After reading this chapter I have gained a better understanding of "Electronic Literature" since I was a bit unfamiliar with it's meaning. Electronic Literature relates heavily to cultural aspects and as said in the book, "it is about building a collective understanding of the creative potentialities of digital media". Essentially, studying this topic is all about experimentation. Things are not so black and white and it is often debated in the field itself due to the topic being so broad. You have to go back to the basics and think of reading in a whole new way in a more communicative form.
Something I found very interesting was to see the list breakdown of what was considered electronic lit. I find the idea of literary apps very interesting and how apps like audible audiobooks have built new forms of reading. Often people prefer to have the physical thing in front of them but this app is a very practical new form for those always on the go to still enjoy reading.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Books used to be a luxury only a handful of people could afford, but after the invention of the printing press books became readily available to average people. As the technology advanced so did traditional literature. Now a days a new form of technology is being developed, computers. Computers allow authors to do many things that books cannot do like, adding hyperlinks or game elements to text. One major difference between electronic literature and traditional literature is the medium: traditional literature is printed on paper and made into books, while electronic literature is saved in digital space. It seems that books have an advantage being that their physical form give traditional literature longevity. While electronic literature becomes outdated in a matter of years. However, there are organizations trying to preserve electronic literature. Both electronic literature and traditional literature are forms of literature but are so varied that they must be separated into two different categories.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
I think the different definitions and understandings of literature are interesting. In the article we read and the chapter, it talked about some of these different definitions and why it can be difficult to define electronic literature. Also because it's sort of a broad term in a field not a lot of people understand, it can be difficult for people to grasp the concept of electronic literature. According to the book, "Electronic literature is most simply described as new forms and genres of writing that explore the specific capabilities of the computer and network-literature that would not be possible without the contemporary digital context". To fully understand it when reading it, you have to take into account the cultural impacts of it. I thought that this was an interesting point that was made: that electronic literature is equally driven by culture and by technology.
Something that Rettberg mentioned in the chapter that I thought was "the End of Books or Books Without End", which talks about hypertext and fiction. I thought it was interesting to read about how hypertext and things like that can be incorporated into literate and reading, since literature is not often seen as a very technical field.
Something that Rettberg mentioned in the chapter that I thought was "the End of Books or Books Without End", which talks about hypertext and fiction. I thought it was interesting to read about how hypertext and things like that can be incorporated into literate and reading, since literature is not often seen as a very technical field.
blog post #1
Scott Rettberg and the ELO cite the definition of electronic literature as, “Works with important literary
aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the standalone or networked
computer.” This definition, though slightly vague, manages to convey that electronic literature allows
writing to have more connections and helps people to share the thoughts and works of others and/or
publish their own writing in creative ways online. E-Lit relies on computers to
express their message because they use links or have collaborative capabilities that are not accessible
if the work were to be printed. A quote that stood out to me in Hayles’ article was, “To see electronic
literature only through the lens of print is, in a significant sense, not to see it at all.” This statement is
important because it embodies the uniqueness of this form of writing. At first I was unsure of what e-lit
was but while reading through the first chapter of Rettberg’s Electronic Literature, I came to the
realization that electronic literature is all around us. I noticed that a form of e-lit is named as,
“collaborative writing projects that allow readers to contribute to the text of a work” and instantly I thought
of those Mad-Lib books where you can write in whatever words you want to complete a story.
aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the standalone or networked
computer.” This definition, though slightly vague, manages to convey that electronic literature allows
writing to have more connections and helps people to share the thoughts and works of others and/or
publish their own writing in creative ways online. E-Lit relies on computers to
express their message because they use links or have collaborative capabilities that are not accessible
if the work were to be printed. A quote that stood out to me in Hayles’ article was, “To see electronic
literature only through the lens of print is, in a significant sense, not to see it at all.” This statement is
important because it embodies the uniqueness of this form of writing. At first I was unsure of what e-lit
was but while reading through the first chapter of Rettberg’s Electronic Literature, I came to the
realization that electronic literature is all around us. I noticed that a form of e-lit is named as,
“collaborative writing projects that allow readers to contribute to the text of a work” and instantly I thought
of those Mad-Lib books where you can write in whatever words you want to complete a story.
Kinetic poetry is listed in Rettberg’s Electronic Literature as an example of electronic literature. I took an
intro to poetry class last semester but could not recall what kinetic poetry was (or if we even went over it
in class) so I googled the term and came across a website for an exhibit titled Moving Words which was
showcased in the National University of Ireland in 2014. It was curated by Dene Grigar and displayed
works of kinetic poetry and prose created from 1984-2014.
intro to poetry class last semester but could not recall what kinetic poetry was (or if we even went over it
in class) so I googled the term and came across a website for an exhibit titled Moving Words which was
showcased in the National University of Ireland in 2014. It was curated by Dene Grigar and displayed
works of kinetic poetry and prose created from 1984-2014.
Maddie Ireland
Electronic Literature and its Purpose
From chapter 1 of Electronic Literature by Scott Rettberg and the article Electronic Literature: What is
it? by N. Katherine Hayles, the most interesting idea, and best shown, is the existence that E-lit has in a
it? by N. Katherine Hayles, the most interesting idea, and best shown, is the existence that E-lit has in a
physical form. As was mentioned in the article, digital literature has less of a solid form and it has had
the issue of how to store and maintain it. As Hayles states,"The situation is exacerbated by the fluid
nature of digital media; whereas books printed on good quality paper can endure for centuries,
electronic literature routinely becomes unplayable (and hence unreadable) after a decade or even less."
This is something that is both interesting and makes a statement when reading the physical copy of
Electronic Literature. Rettberg does address the choice to use print as it has a more permanent and
unchanging state. As well, it settles as something that can last, without update or modification.This was
the issue of how to store and maintain it. As Hayles states,"The situation is exacerbated by the fluid
nature of digital media; whereas books printed on good quality paper can endure for centuries,
electronic literature routinely becomes unplayable (and hence unreadable) after a decade or even less."
This is something that is both interesting and makes a statement when reading the physical copy of
Electronic Literature. Rettberg does address the choice to use print as it has a more permanent and
unchanging state. As well, it settles as something that can last, without update or modification.This was
something that the article expands on, explaining the process and development of what is now digital
literature. One example was the use of hypertext to write or create which turned into a new kind of
media to learn, saved on CDs (Hayles). In this way, the purpose that digital literature has is ever-
expanding and proves to be a media that functions separate to print, although they do collide.
media to learn, saved on CDs (Hayles). In this way, the purpose that digital literature has is ever-
expanding and proves to be a media that functions separate to print, although they do collide.
One point that also caught my attention was the fact that digital media is changing and becomes
inaccessible over time. As I tried to research Donna Leishman's The Possession of Christian Shaw, I
couldn't access the interactive media because google chrome blocks Flash Player, which it needed to
run the program. Maybe the fault was mine but digital changes like that are what the article was talking
about where over time, software changes and becomes incompatible. I found an article talking about the
run the program. Maybe the fault was mine but digital changes like that are what the article was talking
about where over time, software changes and becomes incompatible. I found an article talking about the
announcement that Adobe made in 2017 and what things would be converted to. My question for
everyone is: Is there another way to access Donna Leishman's work? The End of Flash?
Also, I researched the poet mentioned in the article, Stephanie Strickland, who has published many
electronic poems. Her poems are archived in the Woodland Pattern Bookcenter online. One cool thing
about this page is that they have selected poems under the description of the author as a way to
debut the author with some credibility of what others agree to be her good works. Stephanie Strickland
Blog Post 1
The article "Electronic
Literature: What is it?" by Katherine Hayles covers just about everything you
need to know about electronic literature. Hayles does a beautiful job splitting
up her article into four, all encompassing parts. Part 1 provides context to
help conceptualize e-lit, part 2 uncovers all the past and current genres of
e-lit, while part 3 and 4 illuminate the differences between print and e-lit
and how they are preserved, respectively. I found part 2 the most interesting
as I liked learning about all the different types of e-lit, especially the
early stuff like the clunky hypertexts, but part 3 I consider the most useful
to understanding e-lit. I liked her point about how links are exclusive to
e-lit but are pretty much just footnotes in digital medium. That point rings
especially true in the article because her “notes” are all hyperlinks right to
the bottom of the page, literally digital footnotes! (except these footnotes
have direct links to the references, where print forces the reader to find
another piece of physical print) What I found to be the biggest difference
between the two is the interactive elements. The animations, reward systems and
nonlinear elements are what make e-lit unique. As Nick Monfort suggests, e-lit
readers can be seen more as interactors than simply readers.
Hayles provides the link to the
ELO website and I couldn’t help but click. She references this in the fourth
part of the essay regarding preservation of e-lit. in my head I supposed that
an e-lit library would physically be in the space of massive servers, like the
servers that host all our cloud backed data. But what those servers would hold
is where I got lost. The ELO website is I guess what an e-lit library looks
like. It’s pretty awesome. It has a bunch of really cool works that show you
exactly what e-lit can be. (because it literally is) I visited the oldest
collection from 2006 because I wanted to know what it was like early on. Its
pretty funny I ended up downloading a bunch of really small 2 second clips on
my computer and I have no idea when they are supposed to play in the actual
work they are from. Nonetheless it is an awesome virtual library and it’s cool
to see how much these works have changed. Here’s the site:
Throughout this chapter, it was explored how electronic literature can connect and expand upon movement and through prior knowledge. Electronic literature has been a practice that has developed through the last few centuries and shown progression in technology fields through creativity and its academic research. In 1999 the Electronic Literature Organization was established and had adopted the types of work that writers were creating in digital media, with specific computational properties that were produced in cultural context. "Electronic literature" is a term that is broad within its field but because of the ELO, a list has been compiled that would given definitive statements in order to make it clear what the topic intended and what else could be explored throughout it. Because of digital literature, technology has been heightened through new forms of communication, by allowing for new approaches in digital media to emerge. Things such as e-books and e-lit have gained an impactful matter on the subject. E-books have brought new innovations and have become native to the digital environment. This also goes for digital media and how it has many forms through multimedia. Its general purpose is designed by the fact that tasks can be performed in multiple manners and understood in different forms.
2. Something that stood out to me during this reading was actually on the second page when Rettberg wrote, "the difference between the way that we imagine the book before and after the digital turn is that now the affordances of the computer and the Internet are readily available to us. We can actualize these affordances. But how can we figure out how to best use these capabilities effectively to develop new kinds of poetry, new types of stories?" (2) This intrigued me because I feel when people think of advances in technology they think of the latest iPhone or laptop, or robots that can clean someone's whole house. However, what many seem to fail to think about is how writing has developed because of advances in technology, many of which would not be possible without the contemporary digital context. Rettberg also wrote, "Imagine the book as a network, always on, always connected, and always changing." This is true in many ways because to see how literature has developed from say the 1800's to now, not only is the context completely different but the form of writing. Literature is something that is always developing and gives the reader an opportunity to explore more into a topic and come up with understandings and ideas. Being involved with literature is proven to sharpen one's senses and test the knowledge of a reader/writer.
Cassie Haskell
Blog Post 1
One of the important main ideas based on reading chapter 1 in Electronic Literature and Electronic Literature: What is it was the progress of electronic literature throughout the years. One part in chapter 1 that stuck out to me was the section on “Why read electronic literature”. I had never thought of electronic literature as a broad range of subjects and fields of research. The description of electronic literature as a broad subject is mentioned by Rettberg when he states “Electronic literature is controversial within the field itself. Detractors of the term claim that it is not specific enough..” (Rettberg 3) and Hayles mentions how the broadness of electronic literature “implies a wide-ranging exploration of what electronic literature is, how it overlaps” (Hayles). In chapter 1 Rettberg explains the importance of electronic literature because of the ability to preserve a work of art and how relatively new electronic literature was. Rettberg discussed how electronic literature started to become popular around the 1990s and increased in popularity over time. He mentions multiple works of art that discuss electronic literature including: Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Theory and Technology and Word Toys. Electronic Literature: What is it also mentions how electronic literature began to expand and unlike Rettberg, Hayles discusses the program Storyspace and its distribution among PCs and MACs. Hayles also mentions the limitations of these types of programs referencing the lack of “palette of colors and cannot handle sound files” (Hayles)
A work of electronic literature Rettberg cites is titled Expressive Processing. Published in 2009 Expressive Processing was written by Noah Wardrip-Fruin. The focus on the book was about how we understand digital media. In the first chapter Wardrip-Fruin discusses the relationship between computers and how it is a “increasingly significant means of expression” (Wardrip-Fruin 3). Wardrip-Fruin also discusses the idea of artificial intelligence by referring to the game SimCity. He explains how he uses expressive processing to explain the overall design of A.I and how “digital media’s processes often engage subjects more complex than timekeeping” (Wardrip-Fruin 4).
Tim Wizda
Electronic Literature
In Katherine Hayles, "Electronic Literature: What is it?", she explains the concept of electronic literature. One of the main points that Hayles makes is that E-lit is beneficial because it can be accessed via a computer, rather than your traditional book. Hayles also provides the relationship with E-lit and technology, claiming that one evolves in time with the other. "Just as the history of print literature is deeply bound up with the evolution of book technology as it built on wave after wave of technical innovations, so the history of electronic literature is entwined with the evolution of digital computers as they shrank from the room-sized IBM 1401 machine on which I first learned to program (sporting all of 4K memory) to the networked machine on my desktop" (Retterberg, 3). This may prove to have advantages in the aspect of accessibility. However, this is all under the assumption one has access to a computer or network. As a newly birthed concept, this concept may prove to be more superficial and extensive.
In reference to the genres of E-lit, I find it interesting that many genres progress in detail when utilizing the full capabilities of the web. Hayle's states how she labels these works of medio in their earlier, less-developed days as "first generational", and how more evolves works of media as "second generation". This is interesting when thinking about the concept of electronic literature growing and progressing. By becoming more technologically advanced, E-lit can prove to be more resourceful and useful.
Ryan Donahue
Ryan Donahue
Electronic Literature
In “Electronic Literature” and “Electronic Literature: What is it?” both Rettberg and Hayles believe that electronic literature is its own form of media and share many viewpoints on the structure, mechanics, and definitions of electronic literature. I found it interesting that Rettberg decided to publish his work in a physical book since he discusses the many advantages of electronic literature, but Rettberg explains his reasoning. He claims that “[electronic literature’s] publication does not imply fixity in the same way [as printed text]” (Rettberg, 7). Although it may have been more interactive for Rettberg to publish his work in an electronic medium, his choice to print gives his ideas and his research a permanence that wouldn’t be possible in an online publication. Rettberg and Hayles both concur that electronic literature is a constantly evolving forum that both shapes and is shaped by human experience. It is this “mutual symbiosis” that breathes life into electronic literature and gives works published online endless possibilities (Rettberg, 12). I believe that the universal nature of electronic literature and its ability to be so easily edited, shared, and improved upon is what makes it a key element in education.
One reference I found particularly interesting came from Rettberg’s book. Rettberg quotes Jacques Derrida, an Algerian-French philosopher who published an idea in 1980 about “the law of genre.” Derrida claims that “As soon as the word ‘genre’ is sounded, as soon as it is heard, as soon as one attempts to conceive it, a limit is drawn. And when a limit is established, norms and interdictions are not far behind” (Rettberg, 9). Like a law of science, Derrida argues in his article “The Law of Genre” that genres are restrictive, black and white, and unmoving. Rettberg argues that electronic literature is not bound by genre but is instead a complex, hybrid entity of many different identities. I would agree with this claim, especially since electronic literature is constantly changing and adapting. Derrida passed away in 2004 at the age of 74. I wonder what he would say about electronic literature in the modern age and what kind of limitations, and freedoms, it yields in relation to genre.
Lily Pudlo
Lily Pudlo
What is E-lit and why should we read/write it?
According to
the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) “Electronic literature, or e-lit,
refers to works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the
capabilities and contexts provided by the standalone or networked computer” (Rettberg
4). This one for all definition sets the precedent for e-lit since earlier definitions
of e-lit were murky. The introduction of ELO helps standardize “E-lit” and
create more reading/learning opportunities. In the early years of E-lit readers
distinguished anything with a hyperlink within it as E-lit but N. Katherine Hayes
states “One problem with identifying the
hyperlink as electronic literature's distinguishing characteristic was that
print texts had long also employed analogous technology in such apparati as
footnotes, endnotes, cross-reference, and so on, undermining the claim that the
technology was completely novel” (ch3 para 2). The reasons behind reading and
writing E-lit are that it helps readers (especially students) process
information in new ways than traditional literature. The digital era has helped
increase knowledge and understanding when consuming literature and E-lit is a
great steppingstone into the future of literature as media and electronics
quotes a statement from Bernard Stieger as he describes the potential of
digital media to be reciprocal media – anamnetic mnemotechnology. He says; “Our
abilities to both decode and recode digital media are essential but threatened
aspects of the creative potentiality of digital media” (Rettberg 12). I believe
that this statement is true however I believe that younger generations are
learning and understanding how to decode/recode information without losing any
information. For older generations it becomes harder due to lack of
technological understanding, but this issue is something that is slowly disappearing
as the younger generations are being taught how to understand technology and
literature together. The only barrier of creativity is that of the writer. I believe
that E-lit doesn’t wound creativity. Decoding and recoding is something we do
every single day regardless if its within reading/writing literature or just
figuring out better directions to get somewhere within google maps. Although this
isn’t exactly media it is still just another way, we train our brain to decode
and recode information. In an article by Brian Resnick via Vox he discusses how
the human brain is very sophisticated, and how past studies show that the brain
can handle decoding and recoding information and memorize tens of thousands of
words from a single podcast, he talks about how machines may be the right
direction to show us what the human brain is fully capable of. These studies
help express the power of humans and how our brains can multitask without a
problem. I agree that developing technology to study the brain will help humans
better understand what happens when they do have to decode and recode a piece
of E-lit.
Mason Sweet
Mason Sweet
blog 1
In Electronic Literature, Scott Rettberg explains how "E-Lit" gives us a new way of understanding digital culture. Digital culture provides an endless stream of information that encompasses this new generation of technology we have at our hands. Information can be found anywhere on any subject and can be accessed in seconds at any point. Electronic literature is just another impressive way to learn and spread ideas. My question is one similar to one of Katherine Hayles in her essay “electronic literature: what is it?” While this is an asset to readers everywhere, will it be another place for putting out false information or providing readers with deception? Will the dissemination mechanisms of the Internet and World Wide Web, by opening publication to everyone, result in a flood of worthless drivel? Rettberg explains how studying electronic literature is a process, one that will help build a "collective understanding" of digital media. In a digital age, the most important reason to engage in electronic literature is to be provided with opportunities in which to consider all situations that come with living in a world dominated by technology.
Rettberg references Katherine Hayles's work from 2012 in which she proposes that we consider a process of Technogenesis, in which humans and technology are coevolving in a process of mutual symbiosis. I thought this was very interesting, the relationship between humans and technology throughout evolution. Hayles wrote a book, "How We Think: A Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis" I couldn't access the book however I found another article by Hayles, "Narrating Bits: Encounters between Humans and Intelligent Machines" that explains the difference between narratives, digital art, etc.. and then databases in respect to electronic literature. Also what happens when narratives and databases are combined and the long spread history of digital information.
Kendall Arkay
In Electronic Literature, Scott Rettberg explains how "E-Lit" gives us a new way of understanding digital culture. Digital culture provides an endless stream of information that encompasses this new generation of technology we have at our hands. Information can be found anywhere on any subject and can be accessed in seconds at any point. Electronic literature is just another impressive way to learn and spread ideas. My question is one similar to one of Katherine Hayles in her essay “electronic literature: what is it?” While this is an asset to readers everywhere, will it be another place for putting out false information or providing readers with deception? Will the dissemination mechanisms of the Internet and World Wide Web, by opening publication to everyone, result in a flood of worthless drivel? Rettberg explains how studying electronic literature is a process, one that will help build a "collective understanding" of digital media. In a digital age, the most important reason to engage in electronic literature is to be provided with opportunities in which to consider all situations that come with living in a world dominated by technology.
Rettberg references Katherine Hayles's work from 2012 in which she proposes that we consider a process of Technogenesis, in which humans and technology are coevolving in a process of mutual symbiosis. I thought this was very interesting, the relationship between humans and technology throughout evolution. Hayles wrote a book, "How We Think: A Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis" I couldn't access the book however I found another article by Hayles, "Narrating Bits: Encounters between Humans and Intelligent Machines" that explains the difference between narratives, digital art, etc.. and then databases in respect to electronic literature. Also what happens when narratives and databases are combined and the long spread history of digital information.
Kendall Arkay
What is e-lit? Why should we read it? Write it?
E-lit has been defined by the Electronic Literature Organization as “works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computers”. I personally prefer to refer to electronic literature as any work of literature that would not be possible without its corresponding contemporary digital context. This definition was provided in Electronic Literature by Scott Rettberg and I believe it is a more inclusive definition. For example, the paragraph-sized posts I make to my finsta account on instagram may not necessarily contain proper spelling, grammar, or literary aspects, however I still consider them e-lit. Rettberg also argues that the most important reason to read e-lit is because “the study of these works provide us with opportunities to consider what is happening to our situation within a world increasingly mediated by digital technology” (Rettberg 18). I would like to disagree with Rettberg. I believe that the most important reason to read e-lit is to better connect with our fellow people. Rettberg states that electronic literature may be used to teach “new ways of understanding digital culture” and I believe that this statement could be broadened to instead state that electronic literature may be used to teach new ways of understanding culture in general. In a world where everything changes overnight, people have more access than ever to various opinions and viewpoints which were previously inaccessible to them. It is far easier to circulate an online article than a paper copy.
The first chapter of Electronic Literature discusses genre. I found the words of Jacques Derrida, particularly interesting, “ soon as a genre announces itself, one must respect a norm, one must cross a line of demarcation, one must not risk impurity, anomaly, or monstrosity”. Jacques Derrida further discusses the topic of genre in his essay “The Law of Genre”. He opens the essay with the lines “Genres are not to be mixed. I will not mix genres”. He then goes on to explain how these sentences can be interpreted differently to represent various tones and meaning, as well as genres. He appears to contradict himself but then claims that it is in fact the reader confusing themselves because genre is not truly as juxtaposed as one may believe. Instead, Derrida believes that different genres instead serve in the following way: “the other a citation to appear in the figure of the other”. This statement argues the genres need one another to distinguish themselves and therefore, there are no clear limits between one another. Rettberg uses this idea as well, and explains how e-lit is very difficult to group into specific, traditional genre categories because most e-lit creations are their own unique blend of preexisting genre standards, therefore leading to entirely new genres. Accessibility is one reason why it is important to write e-lit, however is also equally important to acknowledge all of the new works which have been and will be produced through the creative freedom which e-lit provides. (The Law of Genre)
Sabrina Brown
Electronic Literature Chapter 1 and "Electronic Literature: What is it?"
In the first chapter of Electronic Literature by Scott Rettberg and the article "Electronic Literature: What is it?" both of the authors introduce the advancement and growth of electronic literature. I think that Rettberg did a good job at introducing the topic and showing how it sends a different message than printed literature. A physical book could be published online, but it would be impossible to print electronic literature works, because of how much liberty and freedom electronic media gives authors. There are so many different ways to create electronic literature whether it be through audio, video, or images. These forms cannot be translated onto paper and give the same message to the reader. Hayles explains how it has been challenging for authors to use plot devices like rising tension and conflict, which has resulted in experimentation. Both the chapter and the article show how creative and expansive electronic literature is. There is no limit to how creative and interactive these kinds of works can be. However, over time some pieces can become unreadable because of advancements in technology. Some software and hardware may become obsolete, making it impossible to preserve these pieces of literature.
Hayles referenced Shelley Jackson's work "Patchwork Girl," which I saw we are going to be reading later in the semester. I found an article about her from The New Yorker in which she briefly talks about electronic literature. She said that reading the novel Moby-Dick on an iPhone changes the experience. "We gain a sense of the sleekness of water, of the depths concealed beneath its bright and changing surface, and above all its reflectivity, so important to Melville that he positioned the story of Narcissus in his first paragraph. (So it is not a simple matter of one medium being better or worse, more evocative or less, than another. Different matter, different meaning.) We lose, on the other hand, all the weight of the whale. We lose the feeling of dissecting its great mass, slice by slice. We lose our tactile measure of our slow progress through it." In other words, because the experience of reading is different, the story is interpreted differently. What do you think about this? Do you disagree? Is one medium more impactful than the other?
Hayles referenced Shelley Jackson's work "Patchwork Girl," which I saw we are going to be reading later in the semester. I found an article about her from The New Yorker in which she briefly talks about electronic literature. She said that reading the novel Moby-Dick on an iPhone changes the experience. "We gain a sense of the sleekness of water, of the depths concealed beneath its bright and changing surface, and above all its reflectivity, so important to Melville that he positioned the story of Narcissus in his first paragraph. (So it is not a simple matter of one medium being better or worse, more evocative or less, than another. Different matter, different meaning.) We lose, on the other hand, all the weight of the whale. We lose the feeling of dissecting its great mass, slice by slice. We lose our tactile measure of our slow progress through it." In other words, because the experience of reading is different, the story is interpreted differently. What do you think about this? Do you disagree? Is one medium more impactful than the other?
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Hi, my name is Jacob Smith. I am an English major with a minor in Mandarin Chinese. I like to rock climb and read in my free time. Here is a meme I made during class.
Tim Wizda
Hello, my name is Tim Wizda, I am a TBD major. I have been at UNH since my freshman year and my goal after graduating is to be a manual writer. I chose to come to UNH because I enjoy the cold weather. My hobbies include playing video games and watching movies. I have lived in seven different states and lived in Turkey for two years.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Sabrina Brown
Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina and I am from Mason, New Hampshire. I am a sophomore TBD major. I am also pursuing a minor in Business Administration. I live on a small farm with four cats, two dogs, two mini horses, five chickens, and four ducks. I started school as an Art Administration major in Boston, but came to UNH to be able to expand upon so many other interests I have. I enjoy drawing, hiking, and gardening. I also work at the circulation desk in the library, so feel free to say hi! :)
Hi! My name is Sofia Borea. I am from Toronto, Canada which is very far away from New Hampshire. It's about nine hours away from school but the flight is only one hour. I play on the Women's Soccer team here at the school. My junior year of high school I decided that I wanted to play soccer in the states since there is lots more opportunity for athletics. I have played soccer since I was four years old and passion for the game is what brought me here. I am a junior TBD major and I am minoring in Communications. I really like New Hampshire and have made lots of good friends. I definitely get homesick at times since I am so far away and do not have any family living in the United States. Here is a picture of me playing soccer from this past season!
Hi, my name is Kendall Arkay. I'm from Fairfield, Connecticut which is about three and a half hours from school. I'm a sophomore here studying English teaching, hoping to graduate and be able to travel a lot, teaching English as a second language to people all over! I currently work at a bakery on Jenkins court called Sweetened Memories, they make amazing cupcakes. I like photography and being outside. I love North Carolina and go every summer to surf! I'm also obsessed with dogs, especially mine, Fenway... (Here's him dressed as a shark for Halloween.)

Hey it's Jillian
Hey Everyone,
My name is Jillian and I am from Exeter, New Hampshire. I am a Junior studying Text, Business writing and Digital Studies.
I am the 8th out of 11 kids and I currently have three collies named Jax (The picture), Jasper and Jade. Jax is obviously the coolest! I love to sing, write, paint and read. I used to climb trees a lot when I was younger but I'm unfortunately getting old now. I have worked at Market Basket for 6 years!
I guess I would say I'm not a quitter but I quit Karate when I was 11. They should teach ninja status faster I guess. If I could do it over, I would have continued Karate and become as good as Spongebob and Sandy.
My favorite video game is Skies of Arcadia on the Gamecube, but I love Zelda as well.
My name is Jillian and I am from Exeter, New Hampshire. I am a Junior studying Text, Business writing and Digital Studies.
I am the 8th out of 11 kids and I currently have three collies named Jax (The picture), Jasper and Jade. Jax is obviously the coolest! I love to sing, write, paint and read. I used to climb trees a lot when I was younger but I'm unfortunately getting old now. I have worked at Market Basket for 6 years!
I guess I would say I'm not a quitter but I quit Karate when I was 11. They should teach ninja status faster I guess. If I could do it over, I would have continued Karate and become as good as Spongebob and Sandy.
My favorite video game is Skies of Arcadia on the Gamecube, but I love Zelda as well.
Mason Sweet
Hey I'm Mason, I'm originally from NH but did my first two years of college at Marshall University in WV. (If you've ever seen the movie, "We Are Marshall" yes, that school). I am currently a senior English TBD major with interests in social media and digital marketing. I currently intern with a direct primary care office in Orlando FL. doing social media marketing. I love New England but have plans to move after graduation to experience the rest of the U.S. Some of my hobbies include, Skiing in the winter and wake boarding in the summer as well as, basketball, hiking, and anything that has to do with traveling. I also have an interest in photography (mostly landscape) so I've chosen some images to share with you from this past fall.

Trevor Arseneau
Hey I'm Trevor Arseneau. I'm a junior TBD major. I lived on campus my first two and a half years here than decided to commute because I was running out of money. I live in Stratham New Hampshire so it's a close enough drive. I don't really know what I want to do in the future but I'm sure I'll figure it out as we all will. For pets I have an old Golden Retriever named Buck and a fat cat named Mike. Here they are.
Meg Champagne
Hi everyone, my name is Meg and I am from Plattsburgh, New York. I am a senior TBD major with a minor in communication, but I will be back in Durham next fall for another year to be part of the MBA program here at UNH. I am on the cross country and track teams and have been running since I was 12 years old. I have loved being an athlete here for the past three and half years and I am so thankful for all of the people I have met through my sport. I also have a pet cat at home in NY named Flo. She is 8 years old and very photogenic.
Ryan Donahue
Hey everyone, I'm Ryan and I am from Barnstable, Massachusetts. In high school, I always thought I would go to school in a warm place like Florida, or California, but instead, I chose UNH so I could stay in the North East. I am completely satisfied, and happy, with my decision. Although, it would be nice for the sun to come back. In the meantime, I enjoy going up to Maine for trips to the mountains and snowboarding with my friends. UNH has been good to me, and it's sad to think this is my last semester. On a less sad note, I am definitely excited to be back at school! I am interested in a career in business, specifically advertisement. I am a TBD major with a Business Administration minor, with the intention to be set up with a job in Boston come the fall. One thing I do miss from home is my nine-year-old black lab, Inka.
Cassie Haskell
Hey everyone! My names Cassie Haskell and I'm a senior here at UNH (Yes, super bittersweet & no I still don't know what I'm going to do after college). I transferred here my sophomore year from Plymouth State to persue a major in journalism. When TBD was introduced I decided to switch into the subject so I could earn a more broad background in writing and design that will hopefully help me in the future. I went to Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH so UNH is a super close home away from home for me. My dad actually just moved to Ft. Myers, Florida so I make a lot of trips down there to see him and enjoy the sunshine. Him and I are super close and he also lives with my black fur cocker spaniel named Lily. She's super energetic and we adopted her from a rescue when she was 3 years old. Another pet I have is my mini lop bunny named George Biscuit, but we call him Georgie for short. I got him when he was 6 weeks old and he is almost a year old now and a big boy at 7lbs. Aside from hanging out with my pets, one of my favorite things to do is actually go to work. I work at a boutqiue in downtown Portsmouth called Pretty Little Things. While there I do a lot of retail work but I also help with merchandising, social media, and organizing photoshoots. It's an awesome job and a really great place to shop for formal or special occasion dresses! I love helping customers put together the perfect outfit to make them happy and confident. Anyways, that's probably enough about me. I'm looking forward to a fun spring semester with everyone! Here some pics of my furry friends.

Hi everyone! My name’s Lily and I’m a junior English TBD major. I play on the club rugby team here at UNH and it’s my favorite sport in the world. I grew up playing soccer, basketball, softball and picked up track and field in high school, but rugby has my heart. I even played for a club rugby team in West Ham when I studied abroad in London, England last spring. Please enjoy this photo of me getting tackled by five different girls from 15's season this past fall.
Dr. M
Hi there! I'm Dr. M. As mentioned in class, my PhD is in Media, Art, & Text and my background is in postmodern and electronic literature, immersive narratives, and digital writing. These are the bunnies, Francie and Louie, and I'm sure you'll here more about them in the future! It was so great to meet everyone yesterday!
Please post your introductions & reply to someone else before class tomorrow!
Please post your introductions & reply to someone else before class tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Bring it to the blog!
Welcome to Engl 693: Digital Literature! "Bring it to the blog" will be a community space for your responses to (& conversations about) the readings, both the book chapters & the works of electronic literature we will be reading this semester! I look forward to hearing (& reading about) your thoughts!
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HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)

While I grew up reading choose your own adventure books, I had no idea there was a name for the online version. It's called hypertext an...
Chapter two of “Electronic Literature” discusses Combinatory Poetics, which Scott Rettberg states is the oldest genre of electronic literat...