Monday, March 30, 2020

chapter 7 divergent streams

Chapter 7 goes in to discuss topics that weren't yet covered. Rettberg describes them as "some of the most interesting current practices in digital writing." He briefly describes how other genres of digital writing have been developed and can help build upon genres of other categories.

I thought the part about locative narratives was an interesting take oh contemporary smartphones. Smartphones can be more useful than texting and phone calls but also the use of maps and GPS. "Our interactions with contemporary social networks and online shopping sites are not only based on who we are and what we do, but also where we are and the situations of the world around us." He points out that the use of smartphones can sometimes depend on where we are in the world.

I saw a news article today that talked about Poland using selfies to track COVID-19. They download an app called "Home Quaratine." It is mostly for people who have just traveled abroad, but they must download this app that measures how long they self quaratine (must be 2 weeks at least) and users must send in a selfie to prove they're not outside. If a selfie isn't received within 20 minutes they will be tracked by authorities.

This seems like one good example of using contemporary technology and putting it to greater use during this pandemic.

Cassie H


  1. Wow, that seems harsh (but maybe effective?) I've been pretty surprised by the measures taking place in Rhode Island!

  2. I really like your response to chapter 7. That's really interesting about Poland, I had no idea! Seems really intense though, I doubt anything like that would work here in the U.S.



HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)