Monday, March 2, 2020

Kinetic Poems

Kinetic poetry is poetry that stretches beyond the limitations of a two-dimensional page. Anything kinetic relies on movement for its effect, and kinetic poems are effective through their movement and their energy. They take the meaning behind words and make them into a three-dimensional space for viewers to manipulate, explore, and interpret.
because i love you) last night is already written in a way that is abstract and open to interpretation. The parentheticals that open and close in the opposite direction than normal made me wonder, “Is there something more outside this poem that the parentheticals are encompassing?” or “Are the parentheticals placed that way so that the poem has no beginning or end and can loop itself infinitely?”
I really like e. e. cummings and his style of writing. It’s simple and very image-heavy which gives it a whimsical tone. I thought that Janis and Ankerson’s kinetic interpretation of because i love you) last night was really elaborate and creative. I was a little confused by the navigation, but after a little exploring, I was able to figure it out. It gave the e. e. cummings a new depth that gave me a deeper appreciation for the work of art. My favorite part of dear e. e. was the button that said “wake up” and lead to a page about Janis and Ankerson, specifically the line about Anskerson that read, “ingrid ankerson just hopes to find two matching socks in the morning.” That bit pulled me out of the dreamlike state of the kinetic poem and, although breaking the illusion, made the kinetic poem that much more powerful.



  1. Its cool how the simplicity of the line about socks can create such a surreal moment.

  2. I really like the way you interpreted because i love you)last night. I personally was not crazy about it but your comments made me rethink the way I viewed it! It was interesting to read your thought process when reading the poem. I agree that it is certainly open to interpretation depending on its audience and how they relate it to their own experiences.



HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)