Sunday, February 2, 2020

Blog 2

Chapter 2 is all about combinatory poems. I find the concept of certain genres of poems very interesting. Poems that can be completely random but still find a way to make sense feel very collaborative . The activity we did at the museum as a class of putting all of our words together really created a unique experience. Seeing how it all came together to form a bigger picture of everyones different works was a great way to understand this process. Digitally, this process is extremely effective because you can combine different works and form something that is extremely creative. It can also be done much quicker than doing this without the technology like we did at the museum.

My poem

One's left with only sorrow and disease
and sniffs the snow that sets his nose aglow
its finding out thats likely to displease
we always hope to keep ourselves so-so

I stille can call to mind those hours of ease
those greedy mice leave nothing for the crow
that heap of goods occasions some unease
most people like to read the words they know

The brave man cries I do not care a jot
in his brain one tongue is all he's got
while coming home we find the wind turned mean

Oh reader thinking thus your heart will lock
I quite forgive you when you run amok
clear from the start the ending is foreseen


Lorsque tout est fini lorsque l'on agonise

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HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)