Monday, April 6, 2020

Virtual Reality

I really enjoyed the Ted Talk about VR and how it's a "machine that makes us more human." I've never thought of VR in that way. I've mostly just considered it as another form of video gaming, but I really appreciated the aims of Chris Milk to use VR as a way to share different perspectives and bring about world change.

I remember during my semester in London our class visited the Migration Museum. We toured the "house" of an immigrant where we could interact with the scenery. The VR in Milk's presentation reminded me of this experience and I think that it would be really beneficial if more people were able to share these similar experiences.

"Queerskins" had a similar effect on me. I love how these VR projects are intended to bring a voice to those who are oppressed or at a disadvantage in society. You can read 1001 articles on other people's stories or experiences, but actually being put in their shoes and getting a small glimpse into their life and perspective is so impactful. For example, I don't think I would have enjoyed "Pearl" nearly as much as I did if it were a story or even if it were just a short film. VR has a way of engaging the audience in ways that other mediums can't and I'd love to view more of it.


1 comment:

  1. I too considered Virtual Reality as sort of a gaming device but it truly is a machine that can immerse humans and create this sort of art forms such as Milk uses it.



HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)