Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Chris Milk's Ted Talk on virtual reality gave me a completely new perspective on the topic. I have never had any experience with virtual reality except one time my friend had a game that he made me try and it completely freaked me out! Things were flying at my face and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.
Listening to the Ted Talk made me realize that there is so much more to virtual reality than video games. Movies and films can be created for people to have an even greater hands on experience. Emotions are always going to be involved when you feel like you are specifically apart of the project. Our google earth assignment we had for class last week was very reflective of this idea. It was so cool to feel like you were going through someone else's experience even though you had not specifically gone through it. Anything that can be made more relatable to someone will always be more appealing to them and therefore create a bigger reaction. Even looking at Pearl from last week also started this idea. The more work and research that is put into virtual reality can create a whole new way of storytelling and will draw even more people into the experience.

Sofia Borea

1 comment:

  1. Before watching this TedTalk, I also only associated VR with video games. As Chris Milk intended, I was glad to gain a new perspective through VR and also think that using VR to make people more empathetic and understanding is a really inspirational and important use of technology.



HAPPY GRADUATION to the VERY first class of TBD majors!!! (I wish we could celebrate in person!)